Sunday, February 22, 2015

So.... I've been gone quiet awhile.  Mom was hospitalized for most of December and she's been quiet a handful the last month and a half.  The hospital stay required that I stay there 24/7 with her with two nights home for a few hours and a few hours sleep caught at the hospitality house at the hospital.  I've gotten almost no cross stitching done recently.  I do stitch a few minutes during the day while Mom's dialysis treatment is going but I don't get a lot of time then as she's always wanting to talk and chat while that's going and you have to watch her close too.  Mom's got a lot of health issues, is on home dialysis, and has dementia with Lewy bodies so her daily care is quiet intensive. 

The hospital stay also forced me to close my online business for almost two months and I've just this week finally caught up with all the orders that I had in when Mom first went into the hospital so I'm caught up but my work isn't up to where it needs to be so I've worked a bit this week to drum up some business so I can pay bills :o).

Now that all that is said I am trying to get back into a normalish schedule so that I can take a little time to stitch and do other things.  Yesterday I actually picked up the unicorn and did maybe 100 stitches in it and I'm proud to say I also canned 7 quarts of turkey soup which is very satisfying to see on the shelves. 

While Mom was in the hospital I did take the unicorn picture with me and I worked quiet a bit on it as a time filler since she often was asleep, completely out of it, or was mad and didn't want to even be looked at.  Dementia is not a kind thing.

Here's where I'm at on the unicorns......
I did finish the fruit basket during lots of doctor appointments with Mom.

This was a new start ..... Mirabilia Scent of Old Roses and this is what I work on during Mom's dialysis treatments. 

Here's my tag along one I'm taking with me for doctor appointments . 


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