Let's talk cross stitch
Recently I've discovered a great community of stitchers on youtube. They post such lovely videos showing their stash, talking about their projects, and being not only an inspiration but also showing off the way they stitch. It's like the quilting bees of old days but on the computer at your leisure. I plan on doing something like that as well but not until my house renovation is completed because it's consuming my life right now. But, until then, I thought I would share a little here about my cross stitching history, what's in my stash, and what I'm working on.
There's often a tag on youtube that someone starts so we can get to know each other a little better. I'll answer a few of those here:
~What are your five must have tools....
*clip on magnifier..... I've got one of those that I just can't live without because I like to work on linen and this makes it easy to stitch without straining the eyes. If I have something small that the magnifier is too heavy to clip to then a trusted pair of reading glasses goes along with me.
*scroll frame with stand..... when I got my scroll frame several years ago it was like a new world of stitching opened for me. I had always used hoops previous and having the scroll frame was freedom to me. My stand I purchased from one of those collections ect. catalogues for $20 and it's a floor stand which has enough adjustments that I can adjust it to a size that I set it on my bed and stitch at night
*my metal needle threader from LoRain..... it's a great thing especially when using blending filament with thread.... love it! That way I can rethread as needed quickly as I keep it handy all the time. But.... I've been known to be a floss licker :o)
*small super sharp embroidery scissors.... got to have a sharp pair of scissors always
*I used to say it was my magnetic board with the magnifying place marker that I clipped onto my stand but I've recently started using my kindle for my patterns in pdf form and that's got to be another one of those freedom moments..... love, love, love scanning in my patterns and using my kindle to mark them off as I stitch. Now I do respect copyright and only scan into my kindle those patterns that specifically say I can make a working copy. If it doesn't say that then I pull out the magnetic board and work directly from the pattern.
~I think this was in December:
1. How did you start or who introduced you to cross stitch?
My best friend's mother taught us and I was 13 when I first stitched. I've been stitching for 35 years now and still have the passion. I did go through several times in my life where I didn't stitch at all. I was so busy with family that by the time I got my day done all I wanted to do was drop into bed and it's a shame as I think on it, those were probably some of the times in my life that I need this to relax.
2. Do you have a favorite theme or designer?
This just changes a lot. I started out with Precious Moments and have really loved Paula Vaughn as well as Joan Elliott but now I'm branching out to lots of designers that I have fallen in love with. I lean towards traditional pictures, like scenes especially of old houses or quilts ect. primitive designs pull at me somewhat too. It just has to speak to me for me to put in the time to make something.
3. What floss brand do you use?
I'm a dedicated DMC gal. But I'm also liking the idea of the hand dyed and silks out there so I'll branch out a little soon.
4. What is your fabric of choice?
Linen ..... definitely linen. I picked up a piece several years ago to make a specific item and was hooked so that now that's about the only thing I ever use.
5. Do you use a needle threader or are you a "floss licker"?
Both but I find that I use my needle threader more now since I put it on a magnet that is right on my frame or in my needle keeper when I'm on the go. Just so handy.
6. What kind of stitching frame do you use?
Scroll frame..... I will use a hoop for a take along small project sometimes and I only use the plastic ones with two that I have had forever that are my favorites as they really do a great job.
7. How many projects have you finished?
Oh my.... tons..... I've given so much away over the years. I sat down and did a quick count and I know I'm short by several but as best I can tell I've finished somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 to 50 projects.
8. How many completed works do you have currently displayed in your home?
Actually up and in my house .... none right now although I do have a few that are stored away till we get done working on the house. I have plans for at least 4 things to go up and my current project is definitely got a spot when it's finished.
9. Do you do more stitching for gifts or keep them for yourself?
I used to stitch just for friends and my mother but am now starting to stitch for myself. Mom's definitely going to get a couple more things this coming year but she's in a smaller space and her places to put things is limited.
10. What is your favorite project or finish you are most proud of?
When I finish it I think what I'm working now will be my most proud accomplishment but until then it's an angel by Joan Elliott that is hanging in my mother's bedroom. She was done on linen, had just tons of backstitching in her, and beads like crazy. I finished her off while terribly sick. I had just the beads to do so I sat while I couldn't do anything else and put on beads all day long one day from morning till late.
11. What has been your least favorite or worst exp while stitching?
My worst experience by far is this one pattern that I've started three times. I got off in my count or something and had to pull it all out. Restarted it..... made a boo boo and had to pull some out..... went at it again and just gave up and trashed it. But it's not going to beat me and I love the picture so after the first of the year it will be a new start for me and I'll get it this time. This time I will grid my fabric and I'm thinking that will solve my issues.
12. What do you love and what do you hate about cross stitch?
That you are left with this beautiful art when you are done. To me it's therapy. I can be agitated and have a horrid day but I can sit down and stitch and it's a calgon commercial all over again... ahhhhh. What do I hate about it ..... not having enough time to do it. I guess if I had to pick something specific about cross stitch itself it would be using lots of white. I don't know what it is about white but I detest using it.
13. Have you introduced anyone else to cross stitch?
Yes, taught both of my daughters. One doesn't have the patience to sit and do it unless it's something super small.... although she does lovely work. The other still stitches but right now yarn arts are calling her name. I feel sure they will both go back to it later in life. I went through the same thing for different spells in my life when I couldn't stitch or another craft just called to me.
14.What was your first project and did you finish it, if not what was your first finish?
My first project was this ugly little ....something like one of those little dimension kits with the little plastic frame.... bunny. I finished him although he's currently sitting in the drawer of the to be framed stuff. I'm looking for a frame that says my first picture although I feel I'll have to hand craft that. I will then proudly display him. He's terrible.... I used cream where I was suppose to use white in part of him. The stitches are not too bad but are not that wonderful either and he's not anything I would start on now. But he's a great reminder of where I started and I can remember how hard I thought he was to begin with. Now I could polish him off in the doctor's office waiting for an appointment. So, he's going to have a place of honor just because he makes me smile.
15. How do you store your cross stitch floss?
Well..... funny thing..... I am a definite bobbin kind of person. But, for extras I store those in baggies till needed. I keep my bobbins in plastic containers that a fisherman might use and keep a good portion of my thread, some fabric, extra bobbins ect. all stored in this great soft sided tackle box. My dh and daughters gave that to me several years ago when I broke the small tackle box I used to carry my stuff around in and I've loved that thing for years. It has pockets and zippers, and things zip off to take around with you.... great for storage.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
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